Learning design and evaluation

Evidence-based impact measurement
Basing our approach on learning evaluation research, we have built upon the elements found in popular models to broaden the reach of impact measurement, incorporating and distinguishing the intended results from the required performance and the environment most likely to drive that performance. This enables two key factors; the ability to design leadership development with confidence that it is aligned to the required business outcomes and, a deeper analysis of the effectiveness of learning solutions and success in applying that learning, as well as the impact the application has.

We design programs that engage learners and help them develop leadership behaviours, they can apply consistently, to create the ideal environment for success. Through this initial process we identify the key measures, that will determine the effectiveness of the program and learning transfer, all the way through to business results
With effective measures in place, we can identify any gaps or barriers to business outcomes and adjust the approach at each stage.
Starting with the end in mind
Over years, working with many clients across the world, we have repeatedly found that the best way to build an effective learning program, with an aligned, robust impact measurement system, is to do it collaboratively right at the start, identifying as many existing, internal measures as possible.
To make this process as easy as possible, up front, together, we answer eight fundamental questions, that ensure leadership development is aligned to impact, establishing ‘before’ metrics that are measured throughout the engagement, clearly showing the positive shifts achieved throughout.

With these answers agreed, we can get to work on the concept and detailed design of a leadership development program that is created specifically to support your leaders in delivering your business success.