We provide a ‘whole service’ approach to partnering with our clients, using our flexible, systematic process, to design and deliver the most effective learning experience possible and achieve our vision to deliver ‘leadership development that transforms work’.

Our approach to learning design always starts with the end in mind. We work to understand the ultimate business impact your organisation is trying to achieve and the performance you require from everyone in your business to ensure you deliver your results.

From here, we explore the ideal environment, that if created, will drive the performance you need. This process brings a real clarity to the type of leadership behaviour you need, specific to your business - rather than a one size fits all approach - with this co-created clarity, we can design the best approach to developing that behaviour in your leaders.

Gaining clarity on these questions helps you to choose if you want to take a fully collaborative approach for all aspects of design and delivery to create a bespoke experience that is unique to your business, and/or select from our knowledge base of existing learning content and programs, curating the elements that will be most beneficial to your learners. Whatever your preference, we will create a high impact solution, built through our deep knowledge, gained over many years, partnering with a broad range of clients.

Regardless of the level of custom design you require, our approach always creates clarity on the intended impact upfront and anchors all aspects of discovery, design and delivery. This way of working means that you can choose to partner with LIW knowing you will have a solution that is fit for purpose, meets the needs of your leaders that will actually deliver leadership development that transforms work for your business.

Custom Design

Opting for our design services, you can be sure you get the latest learning design thinking from a true partner. We will work with you every step of the way, following our tried and tested Design for Impact (D4I) process.

Over the years we’ve honed our approach, working with thousands of leaders to develop their leadership to create great places to work, improve performance and deliver business impact, and we've won a few awards for our work in the process.


During the discover phase, we talk to people to get a deep understanding of the ideal outcomes, the current state and thematic perspectives on training needs. We conduct a desktop review of relevant programs and collateral; existing frameworks and models used by your business – such as Values and Leadership Behaviour frameworks or competencies - and review relevant research, producing a concept, high level design and proposed approach that integrates with your overall business and learning strategy.


The design phase is all about the detail. We will design – or co-design if you have the capacity – the learning experience, flow, content and materials required to deliver the solution. We’ll involve you throughout the process encouraging you to give us direct feedback so we can further hone the solution until it’s just right for you. By the end of this phase you will have a complete program, ready to deliver. We will take care of the train the trainer process too, ensuring everyone, from the facilitators, any faculty or SMEs and broader support team are set up for success.


We know, the thing that really matters is what your leaders do next, following the development program and that’s where the quality of the deliver phase comes in. We have worked hard to find the best facilitators around the globe, through a rigorous recruitment and induction process to give your leaders the best learning experience, whether it is face to face or virtual. We look after every facet of delivery, working seamlessly between our designers, project managers and delivery team. We also take impact measurement, review and program iteration seriously. Ensuring your leaders are in the best possible position to turn their learning into exceptional business impact.

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