At LIW, we specialise in leadership and team development. Our approach emphasises the importance of expanding levels of self-awareness, helping leaders and teams at all levels understand the impact of their behaviour on others.

Why 360 assessments?

A 360 assessment is a powerful way to understand a leaders impact, what other people see as their strengths as well as their opportunities for development. Comparing multiple perspectives including those of the individual leader, creates a great opportunity to learn and ultimately adapt behaviour to increase their effectiveness.

Expertise across the globe

Our leadership and coaching programs integrate your choice of assessment tool.

LIW's global team is accredited in a wide range of 360 assessments with our global consultants using them to enhance reflection, foster learning, and ultimately enable behaviour change in role.  

Our flexible team are also equally experienced at understanding and aligning Coaching to our clients' own tailored 360 assessments.

Discover the option that is right for you

Here are just a few of the assessment tools that LIW’s team are accredited in:

  • The Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI) is an organisational tool that uses both self-assessment and colleague feedback to identify individual thinking and behavioural styles. By providing insights into strengths and areas for development, it empowers people to embark on their own journeys to being better at, and enjoying more, everything they do. Designed for managers, leaders, students, and those in professional and technical roles, the LSI has helped millions of people to understand and change the way they think and behave.
  • Leadership/Impact™ (L/I) is a leadership assessment that provides senior leaders and executives with unique insights into their personal leadership strategies and the impact of those strategies on others’ behaviour and performance. L/I provides leaders with invaluable insights into their influence and effectiveness, empowering them to confront and overcome their personal barriers to achieve outstanding executive performance, to optimise the performance of their teams and the organisation as a whole.
  • The Group Styles Inventory (GSI) is a research-based tool that provides a valid and reliable measure of how people in groups interact with each other and work as a team to solve problems. This assessment provides group members with a ‘safe’ way to talk about their behaviour and how it affects the group’s performance. Through highlighting styles of interactions that are helping or hindering their teamwork, it empowers them to change the way they approach problems and interact with each other, leading to better cooperation, communication, and consensus, more innovative thinking, and higher quality solutions.
  • The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) instrument has helped millions of individuals throughout the world gain awareness about themselves and how they interact with others. It enables personal transformation by giving people a powerful tool for improving how they communicate, learn, and work. Organisations have selected it as the personality instrument of choice across their training and development programs because it provides a common language for appreciating interpersonal differences.
  • DiSC® is a personal assessment tool that helps improve teamwork, communication, and productivity in the workplace. Organisations use the DiSC® profiles to help ignite cultural change, inspiring lasting behaviour changes that positively shape their workforce. The DiSC® model provides a common language people can use to better understand themselves and those they interact with, and then use this knowledge to reduce conflict and improve working relationships.
  • The Leadership Circle Profile is a comprehensive 360° leadership assessment. It measures the two primary leadership domains — Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies - together with the underlying beliefs and assumptions, and the habits of thought that run much of our behaviour, enabling leaders to answer the question: “how are my behaviours and mindset enabling or constraining my intended leadership impact and our business performance?" As leaders gain these insights, they have much higher leverage to make transformative change.
  • Squadify is a platform that combines data, dialogue, and development to help teams connect, evolve and thrive. Squadify provides the data that enables the important team conversations, helping to build a culture of openness and shared responsibility. Teams that use Squadify over the long term are self-driven and continuously improving. They are safe, agile, and high-performing units that provide a sense of belonging and achievement to their members and reliable performance to their organisations.
  • The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument® is the world’s leading Thinking Styles assessment tool. This simple and effective framework serves as a powerful common language across the broadest scope of application areas, from communication and team collaboration to decision-making, strategy, innovation, customer insights and diversity and inclusion. It provides an inclusive way to identify individual thinking preferences without non-productive labelling, fostering a positive psychology approach.
  • Developed for directors, executives, managers, and high potentials who want to assess their effectiveness, the Hogan 360 compares a manager’s self-evaluation with their employees’ honest reviews. It also compares a manager’s overall score with Hogan’s global database of managerial benchmarks respective to industry and job level. With both soft and hard skills thoroughly evaluated, leaders will gain deeper insight into the expectations they face and be able to prioritise specific areas for improvement.

Contact us to discuss which 360 assessment tool is right for you, or to talk to us about how we can help you build your tailored leadership, team, and coaching programs with 360 assessments fully integrated into them.

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