I started my corporate career in 2002 in Dublin (Ireland) where I was in charge of helping indebted credit card customers file for personal banckruptcy for a top-tier UK financial institution. in 2003, I moved to Bangalore (India) where I worked in the burgeoning call centre industry training new hires, overseeing French outbound operations for a large american bank, and eventually managing a team of trainers. In 2008, I co-founded a Bangalore-based corporate training consultancy focused on intercultural management training and leadership development. Over the following 8 years, I managed some of our key accounts, was one of our principal consultants, and oversaw recuitment and HR. By the time I left in 2017, we had 18 employees and operations across India, Malaysia, Singapore, and China. In 2017, I moved back to Europe to become an independent organisational culture change and leadership development consultant. The industries I mostly work with are: IT, Finance, Manufacturing, UN agencies, and global NGOs.

What I prefer is being in the room facilitating meaningful conversations for leadership teams. I also enjoy coaching first-line managers as they get used to their new roles and responsibilities.

My approach to leadership development and coaching is grounded in the philosophy of facilitating for outcome, not for content. With a primary background in group process facilitation, I am passionate about guiding individuals and teams to discover the answers and insights that already exist within them. I see myself as a facilitator of learning journeys, where participants are empowered to tap into their inherent wisdom and potential.

I choose to work with LIW because it is the most authentic consulting firm I have ever encountered. What sets LIW apart is its unwavering commitment to living its philosophy every single day.

Participants often describe me as informal, energetic, and approachable. I believe in creating a dynamic and engaging environment where everyone feels comfortable to participate and share their perspectives. I am not afraid to address challenges head-on and facilitate open discussions, even if it means calling out the elephant in the room. My goal is to ensure that the group is able to work together effectively and achieve their desired outcomes.


Degree in Cultural Studies and Linguistics in 2001




Tracom Social Styles

Intercultural Development Inventory