I have extensive global, corporate experience working with leaders at all levels across 5 continents. My commercial experience began with PepsiCo, Frito Lay and Tropicana, where I spent a decade leading clients and teams to commercial success across the UK & APAC. My transformation of a failing national team of 100 people earned a business award.  Since then I have spent twenty years enabling clients to do the same, usually at director level and above. My client experience is broad and includes organisations such as Accenture, Barclays, Cisco, DPR, McQuarie, Nielsen, Oracle, Philips, Reed Elsevier, Schroder’s, Symantec, Tate & Lyle and Visa Inc. I also have experience in the NFP sector working with Governments (Australia, UK & Tanzania), Oxfam and Schools to develop their leaders. A relentless focus on practical application has led to me capturing hundreds of real-world success stories totalling over £20 million of organisational benefit across these clients and more.

I am a versatile leadership expert who is equally effective coaching 1-to-1, leading large conferences or facilitating leadership-training workshops. My brand is challenging and pragmatic, my style is engaging. With extensive knowledge of Leadership models and tools, I share frameworks that enable people to make accurate situational assessment and increase their impact. The result is an increase in personal effectiveness, enabling people at all levels of the organisation to deliver to their true potential and deliver better results.

I only want to do work that makes a real difference. Having spent decades working with CEOs and C-Suites through to first line managers, I have a plethora of leadership frameworks, theories and models at hand. Selecting the most relevant to the client's situation, challenging their thinking and supporting them as they work through pragmatic application, leads to real change in the workplace. I like to make the complex, simple and focus on action. As a Facilitator I often support leaders and teams through application of the conditions of success (3Cs/3Ws): Clarity of purpose and success measures, Climate of collaboration and trust, Competence driven through effective line-manager feedback and coaching. I have recently been applying learning around "covert processes" and how that holds teams back from high performance. As an executive coach I often help clients understand the changes needed as they take a step up the Leadership Pipeline. I also take leaders through deep self-discovery, especially around which sub-personalities are prompted to come forward in different situations. Helping people to understand their default settings and be more choiceful, helps them create more leadership presence. This enables them to deliver on their true potential and develop towards personal leadership mastery.

LIW's leadership approach most closely matches mine. First and foremost, we are here to make a real difference in how leaders lead their people. Our values and purpose attract the best in the business and the team is both highly professional and great fun to be around.

Participants have share the below about me:

“First time I've ever given any consultant a perfect score in my 27 years.”

“I know excellence and effectiveness when I see it. You were great over the past few days. You kept constant attention, encouraged participation, engendered trust and openness, and crucially kept everyone looking forward and at a strategic thought level that the group had never been.”

“Noj allowed me to see things from the perspective of my team, and how my actions might be making them feel or work differently. My team is now more focused, and we are both clear on what needs to happen to progress.  Standard of work is improving, and motivation levels are higher.”


BA Hons Geography Nottingham University



Squadify Pro Coach

Tetramap Profiling