My extensive corporate experience spanning 25 years and including senior management and leadership roles means I am well equipped to offer organisational solutions, including group coaching and facilitation, in addition to individual leadership coaching. My specific capability and understanding of the financial services domain afford me unique and valuable perspectives in this space. I was also fortunate enough to have leadership experience in a start-up environment/organisation in the ultra-competitive institutional trading space which also involved lobbying regulators and the government to ensure the adoption of new and more efficient trading technologies. In my consulting, facilitation, and coaching I have worked with a broad range of organisations across a host of different industries. From start-ups and scale-ups, to not-for-profits and global multinationals. I have worked with finance and tech, retail, aged care, energy, infrastructure, and construction.

I really love working with founders and leaders where the ripple effects of coaching interventions become really evident. Challenging senior leaders and really approaching and exploring the tension is where I believe I thrive and really add the most value. I also love working with teams to help enable them to unlock the value of diverse skills, perspectives, and experiences through real dialogue and creating psychologically safe environments. I believe my strengths are in how I am engaged, and my ability to empathise with the ability to ask the right questions at the moment to help facilitate valuable insights and learnings. It's about helping others to find their answers and build real engagement, drive, and motivation towards collective outcomes.

The theoretical underpinnings to my facilitation and coaching are many, and constantly evolving, through a supervised and reflective evidence-based process. Along with Humanistic Psychology, person centred and transformational coaching models, some others that I utilise are Self Determination Theory (Deci and Ryan), Positive Psychology (Seligman), various Peak Performance models (Flow - Csikszentmihalyi; Collective Virtuosity, Ideal Self). I also utilise the principles of Emotional Intelligence (Goleman, and the Genos EQ tool) and the ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy) utilising a mindfulness-based approach. The world has undergone significant changes in recent years, and these changes have highlighted the need for agile and lean practices across various industries and sectors. Rapid technological advancement, globalisation, and market uncertainty, and more recently remote and distributed workforces mean we all have to utilise the agile and lean principles in order to adapt and innovate to ensure the best outcomes possible.

The team at LIW is a great group of people to work and collaborate with, and I feel a huge sense of alignment with the LIW content, programs, and offerings. Exposure to the scale of their programs, and helping so many people within high-quality organisations is something we relish. Being able to work with and learn from an extremely deep pool of colleagues is very rewarding.

I've been described by participants as warm and engaging, with a knack for creating a supportive yet challenging environment. I believe in asking lots of good questions to help facilitate insights and growth for all participants.


Masters of Coaching Psychology

Bachelor of Applied Finance

Executive/Life Coach

Meditation Facilitator

Mental health First Aid


Squadify Pro Coach

Genos Emotional Intelligence

Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team

Mental Health First Aid

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - Introductory Level

AQR Mental Toughness Licensed User (MTQPlus)